“If Keith has a hang-up about our sons being on TV, I would be fine with that. But Real Housewives is supposed to be a reality series, and the reality is that all the fans watching believe I only have one child,” Lisa told Star.Sweat, an R&B crooner known for ballads that are seemingly centered around begging, refuses to sign an agreement that would allow his sons – Justin and Jordan — to be on the reality show, now in its second season on Bravo.
Lisa said she could take care of that – by suing Sweat for full-time custody.
“I’ve already been seeing [the children] four or five times a week, but now the time has come when I want to have them with me full-time,” she told Star.
Sweat was awarded custody of the boys in 2003, with the judge, Cynthia D. Wright, saying that the children “lacked structure in their lives, due in substantial part to Mother’s numerous business ventures and frequent trips out of town… Mother has a history of spending money on herself excessively rather than providing for the children… There was some evidence at trial that Mother implicitly participated in robbing Father in the presence of the children.”
The judge said the issues raised questions about Mother’s “maturity.”
1 What you Think?:
Wow...I had heard of this, but had no idea it was that deep. I wonder what the outcome will be - especially since supposedly, her Hartwell have been evicted from the mini manse they showed on RHA. Seems like the reasoning might end up being that she is not financially able to provide for them. I guess we'll know soon enough.
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