The third film in Nolan’s rebooted Batman franchise will swoop into theaters in 2012. A follow-up to 2005’s Batman Begins and 2008’s The Dark Knight has been scheduled for July 20, 2012,
Currently Nolan is in post-production on his latest non-Batman film Inception, but is also flushing out the newest Batman story with co-writer, David Goyer.
At this point there is no official title for the film nor a start date for production.
With Batman 3 now announced, 2012’s summer is looking to be every comic movie fans dream. The Avengers is set for May 4 and the Spider-Man relauch is set for July 3. Also, the Star Trek sequel will be beaming down to theaters on June 29.
Nolan wouldn’t comment on who might be the principal baddie in the next film but he has reportedly ruled out Mr Freeze, who Arnold Schwarzenegger played in Joel Schumacher’s much-maligned Batman & Robin (’97) and who was never one of the better villains anyway. Whoever it is, one thing is certain: Heath Ledger’s rip-snorting Oscar-winning performance as The Joker in The Dark Knight has gotta be the toughest super villain act to follow in cinema history. Rumours have been circulating for a while that Johnny Depp may be considering a role as The Riddler, to add yet another iconic OTW character to his collection.
Which Batman villain would you love to see on the big screen and who would you want to play them?
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