The tabloid says that Gore and David - the ex of comedian Larry David - have been involved for two years.
Laurie David is an outspoken Hollywood environmentalist and a trustee of the Natural Resources Defense Council who makes frequent appearances at political events.
She co-produced "An Inconvenient Truth," the Oscar-winning documentary about Gore and his campaign against global warming.
"Al and Laurie went from friends to lovers," Star quotes an unnamed insider as saying. "It couldn't be avoided."
A close friend of both Al and Tipper Gore's laughed at the report and said there was nothing to it. "It's complete crap," he said.
"The story is completely untrue," Laurie David said in a statement.
"It's a total fabrication. I adore both Al and Tipper. I look at them both as family. And I have happily been in a serious relationship since my divorce."
A Gore spokeswoman said Gore would not comment on the stream of stories about his separation. He normally refuses to comment on personal matters.
David divorced her husband, the "Seinfeld" creator and star of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," in 2007 amid reports that she was cheating with the married caretaker of their Martha's Vineyard summer home.
The Gores' stunning split after 40 years of marriage has prompted wildly varying explanations in the gossip sheets: Globe magazine said Al was gay, and the National Enquirer said Tipper was crazy.
The Enquirer, which blew the lid off John Edwards stepping out while running for president, blamed Tipper's unfounded suspicions of affairs.
"Tipper's jealousy was putting stress on their marriage," the National Enquirer quotes an unnamed insider as saying.
"Al finally told her their relationship was over because he couldn't stand her jealous rages anymore."
The tabloid weekly said there was no proof the former veep and green idol ever cheated on Tipper, but she suspected him constantly.
"I think she's always believed there was something going on between Al and many of the women in his life," the unnamed insider is quoted as saying.
Globe went the other way, saying Tipper left Al because he was having "a gay affair."
Al, 62, and Tipper, 61, were high school sweethearts. Their split, announced two weeks ago , shocked many Gore associates who had always thought the marriage one of the most solid in politics.
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