Kansas City Mom Says Special Needs Student Left On School Bus

Two workers in Blue Springs have been fired because after a special needs student was left on a school bus earlier this week.
The child's mother said 4-year-old Ethan Wrinkle was left sitting on a bus by himself for two hours earlier this week."You can't put a bus in front of him, he'll scream," said Jaclyn Wrinkle, the boy's mother. "He was up every 30 minutes last night crying."
Ethan spent Tuesday at home. His mother said he was too scared to go back to school after what happened on Monday.
"He was unbuckled," Jaclyn said. "They got him to school. They unbuckled him but he didn't get off the bus."Ethan's bus takes six kids to an early childhood preschool for special needs students four times a week. His mother said the bus driver and a driver's aide somehow didn't notice that Ethan failed to get off the bus."She heard somebody whimpering around her bus," Jaclyn said. "She looked in her bus and my son was standing in the seat screaming."Jaclyn said the driver went home around lunchtime and that's when she noticed Ethan crying in his seat. She said Ethan was shaking when she picked him up from school. The incident leaves Jaclyn wondering what might have happened."My son has epilepsy," she said. "He has extreme anxiety disorder. He has global delay disorder and he's borderline diabetic."The school district confirmed that both the driver and the aide have been let go. They could not comment any further because the incident is being investigated. The district said it is trying to learn how the incident happened and how to ensure it won't happen again.

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