A multi-talented young lady, fifteen year old Reema Major has a bright future ahead.

Moving to Toronto in 2009 facilitated a lot of things for the young artist. She was introduced to Kwajo Cinqo from Canada’s legendary hip-hop group Ghetto Concept, and her career took a toll for the better. Kwajo absolutely loved Reema. “From The Moment I met her I knew that she was destined to be a superstar,” Kwajo says. “I was very impressed by her confidence, swagger, and lyrical wordplay. I feel she is the hottest female in the game and she’s only 15!” Besides her skills on the mic and her glowing beauty, Reema has incredible work ethics. A studio enthusiast, she understands the amount of effort and work that goes into taking herself to the top. In one session she easily records 3-4 records, which she pens herself. Her writing ablities make her a sought after ghostwriter. “I want to go down as one of the best female rappers ever,” she says matter-of-fact. And she knows it’s not going to be an easy task.
Her sound is versatile, and it depicts her worldly outlook on life. At only fifteen years old, Reema speaks Arabic and Tribal Tongue (Sudan) as well as English. Her music is a reflection of her personal experiences and not those of others around her. As an artist, Reema has the potential to relate to a large fan base thanks to her vast cultural exposure. For the past three years she has also been taking acting classes both in the U.S. and Canada, preparing herself for a career in film also. Her style doesn’t fall behind of her music either. Reema is looked up to by a lot of young females her age for her impeccable fashion sense. Although she is young, Louis Vuitton and Gucci are her favourite stores to shop at any given day.

Reema Major has a big year ahead, and it’s all hers for the taking.
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