For The record this is not a movement! This is a Fucking Nightmare. It's bad enough that Black On Black crime is so high now or kids role models are young gay men .Wow! And For the recordthis is NOT A Movement
The African-American Civil Rights Movement
(1955–1968) refers to the movements in
That Was A Movement!
The History of the Black Student Movement
The Black Student Movement w as established on November 7th, 1967 as a result of the slow growth of the Black population on campus and because of Black student dissatisfaction with the campus NAACP chapter. It was from this beginning that the Black Student Movement began to take its position as being the leading voice for Black Students on campus at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The ensuing year became yet another momentous one for Black students on the campus because it was within this time frame that the Dixon Resolution and the Phipps Committee were established. The Dixon Resolution, written by Professor John Dixon on May 3, 1968, requested that the Chancellor appoint a five person committee to generate recommendations for the faculty to help improve the academic climate among Black students. It was the Phillips Committee, lead by Professor Dickson Phillips, that recommended an eight step plan to improve the intellectual climate and remove educational disabilities on the basis of the race of Black students on campus and those to come. On December 11, 1968, the Black Student Movement presented a list of 22 demands to Chancellor Sitterson for improvements that they wished to see implemented. It was because of this list that many of the programs and curricula in place at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill were established. On November 14, 1998 to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the Black Student Movement, students rallied in support of the Housekeeper and Groundskeeper Struggle, and presented Chancellor Michael Hooker with a list of 22 new demands.
The Black Student Movement has been active in many of the historical events that have taken place at the University, most recently as a voice for the struggle of a free-standing Black Cultural Center. The Black Student movement has also been a great contributor to the cultural climate at The University of North Carolina, making the organization familiar with several other cultural organizations. Former leaders of the Black Student Movement saw fit for there to be outlets available for Black students to be creative and share the many talents they possess. From this idea, subgroups of the Black Student Movement were formed. They include:
- Gospel Choir
- Opeyo Dance Company
- Ebony Readers/Onyx Theater
- Black Ink
- Harmonyx A Capella group
That Was A Movement
First off if you think you have a femme side you are GAY! Or Want to Be! If you were born a man than That's What You Are. Will the real men Stand up. Our generation see's so much stuff on T.V. and every ware you go ,and then you got people that think it's cool to look a certain way or dress a way. It's really no if you want to dress like a Girl and your a man then that's you. Don't go around telling other People or Kids for that matter that's it's cool. And it's even worst when it's someone that reaches out to others.Because you know that kids look up to you and who wants their son's growing up wearing Lipstick and Leggings? "RIGHT" I would NEVER want my son to even see this Kid. He's saying it's OK to express your femme if that means that you walk around looking like tis guy,side is to say it's cool to be GAY.Now compassion
And having strong feelings about people is OK. But cross dressing and all that other stuff is GAY!
So it's like this we got this kid who is highly misguided and is easily influencing the kids with his so called movement. When are our men going to be just that MEN? It is almost scarce out here when it comes to a MAN of color anyhow. A black,straight,masculine man. Are they extinct these days? I'm just sayin...
First Rapper Lil B I'm Gay': 'We're all one people' then this D Phill Guy!
This Guy names his CD I'm Gay and says he's not Give me a Break. Your As Gay as The come brow REAL TAlk and Young men like you are giving Hip Hop A Real bad Name.

Listen to How DMX re acts to Lil B
Speaking to CW 33, Phill Good explained that his choice of attire has nothing to do with his sexuality, instead it's just a form of expression.
"A lot of people feel like a lot of colors or tight clothes is homosexual. I feel like it's more of an expression of me."
Phill Good's girlfriend was also interviewed and voiced her support saying,
"It's fine. He wears lipstick, I wear lipstick, we share lipstick!"
HIV Epidemic Growing Fastest Among Black Gay and Bisexual Men
Young black gay and bisexual men are the only population in the U.S. in which the pace of HIV's spread is increasing, according to a startling study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention yesterday.
CDC researchers looked at new infections between 2006 and 2009 and discovered that, as expected, we're still logging roughly 50,000 new infections overall each year in the U.S. We've been at that level for several years. The study also re-confirmed that African Americans are a wildly disproportionate number of those new infections. Blacks accounted for 44 percent of new infections, despite being just about 12 percent of the overall U.S. population in the 2010 Census.
But CDC noted with alarm that, unlike all other subpopulations in the U.S., black gay and bisexual men between the age of 18 and 29 saw a dramatic increase in infections: up by 48 percent in the three-year span of the study.
The findings are dramatic, but they are not unexpected. They represent a worsening of a trend epidemiologists have followed for years, since at least the late 1990s. What's really new is the CDC's more aggressive and nuanced efforts to track HIV, a development made possible by recent improvements in testing and tracking technologies. Regardless, the concentration of the epidemic around not only black folks, but black gay and bisexual men is in fact alarming and long overdue for meaningful attention from both public health and the overall black community.
"They're calling this 'alarming' but it's clearly past that point," said Phill Wilson, director of of the Black AIDS Institute (for which I've worked previously as a consultant). Which begs the two perennial questions on HIV: Why is this happening and what can be done about it?
I've been reporting on and writing about the black epidemic, and the black gay epidemic specifically, for 15 years. I've learned about myriad causes for the striking disparities, ranging from biology to economics. And anybody who offers a singular and certain answer to either of the questions above is deluding themselves, lying to you or both. The difficult reality is that HIV has always exploited the messy, tangled web of our national and global inequities. Where there is poverty, there is HIV. Where there is poor access to health care overall, there is HIV. Where there is sexual shaming, there is HIV. Where people don't have the economic or emotional resources to protect themselves from a whole host of threats, there is HIV.
I could go on in this vein. Suffice to say that young, black gay and bisexual men are among the most economically, emotionally and culturally beat up groups of people in the U.S. They are uniquely at risk for a long list of social ills -- hate crime, homelessness, honestly just about any of the things researchers look at when measuring health risks among young people. So of course they are uniquely at risk for HIV, too.
So what has to happen? The real answer is everything. A massive, holistic intervention is needed, including everyone from black ministers on through to the targeted efforts of every public health department in America. But there are a couple of clear pressure points to address.
One is HIV testing. Research shows that, despite being at such high risk, black gay and bisexual men aren't doing anything more risky than their peers -- no higher drug use, no higher rate of unprotected sex (in fact, gay and bisexual men of all races report higher rates of protected sex than their peers). But research also shows young back gay and bi men are the least likely to know their HIV status or believe themselves to be at risk.
Another pressure point is access to health care for those who are positive and to the large and growing set of prevention tools for those who aren't. As Wilson puts it, "We now have the tools that could dramatically drive down new infections. … We understand that people must be tested and know their status. We understand that linking 'poz' people to care right away saves lives. And we know that providing anti-retrovirals to healthy people can also save lives."
So let's do those things, at minimum. But that's going to require far more investment of resources from everyone, ranging from our own community to the public health sector. Until that happens, we'll keep getting "alarming" reports on new infections. And not for nothing: that's been going on for 30 damn years now.
Syphilis Up Among Minority Gay, Bisexual Men
While the decade's initial outbreak especially hit MSM in their 30s, the new study of 27 states found the largest increase in the 2005-08 period to be MSM in their teens and 20s. In 2008, MSM ages 20-29 had the biggest increase in syphilis, to about 12 cases per 100,000.
That same year, the absolute increases in syphilis rates among black and Hispanic MSM were 8.0 and 2.4 times, respectively, the rate for white MSM. Black MSM had 19 cases of syphilis per 100,000 population, Hispanic MSM had over 7 cases per 100,000, and white MSM had 4 per 100,000.
<a href="http://clk.atdmt.com/UJ3/go/326529093/direct/01/" target="_blank"><img src="http://view.atdmt.com/UJ3/view/326529093/direct/01/"/></a><noscript><a href="http://clk.atdmt.com/UJ3/go/326529093/direct/01/" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="http://view.atdmt.com/UJ3/view/326529093/direct/01/" /></a></noscript>In 2000, the US syphilis rate was 2.1 cases per 100,000 population. By 2009, men had a rate of just under 8 syphilis cases per 100,000 population, and women had 1.4 cases per 100,000.
The magnitude of the racial disparities is concerning, said Dr. John R. Su, a CDC medical epidemiologist. Reasons for the disparities are hard to pin down, but they could be fueled by poorer income, educational levels, and health care access, he said. Some recent studies suggest an uptick in unprotected sex and multiple partners among MSM.
Education and screening efforts need to target MSM where they are: online, at clubs, bars, and bathhouses, the Boston-based Fenway Institute's Dr. Kenneth H. Mayer and Matthew J. Mimiaga wrote in an accompanying editorial. "Many MSM with newly diagnosed syphilis or HIV met their sexual partners recently on the Internet," they noted.
"First, you have to know you're at risk," said Su, who cited peer educators as another promising approach. Getting tested for STDs at least annually, practicing monogamy with a partner who gets tested, and consistent condom use reduce the risk of syphilis and other STDs.
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