Amy Winehouse's Dad Talks About Her Recovery

Amy Winehouse's father wants us all to know she's doing well. Her and her new "enhancements". When asked how Amy is doing, his response was:
"Fantastic, fantastic. Her boobs are great as well." He then smiled and said, "I shouldn't have said that should I? She looks absolutely fantastic."
Amy had breast enhancement surgery recently and that's what he's referring to. Still sounds like something a typical father would not be caught saying. LOL
He was asked if the surgery really cost the huge amount that is being reported.
he shrugged, "I don't know. I didn't have to pay for it – that's all I know. Whenever I see her, she says, 'Dad can you give me a couple of hundred.' [But] I didn't have to pay for the boobs. I don't know."
He says that Amy is doing well but it's a constant struggle.
"has not been sick now for a year."
But the battle is ongoing. "There is no total recovery. It's a recovery. It's a slow, gradual recovery," he said. "If you look back to where we were a year ago, you know we are in a different planet. We are in a different space and a different time and a different person. We all are. We're all recovering."
Amy's dad is filming a documentary about families coping with drug problems. He even addressed members of the Parliament on Tuesday and talked about the things he & his family went through to get Amy all the help she needed. He feels that the current health system over there doesn't help families who can't afford treatment.

It's nice to see some good coming out of such a terrible situation. I hope she continues down this path of recovery.

1 What you Think?:

Anonymous at: October 22, 2009 at 9:48 AM said...

thats gr8 but well she sound da same when she get out???


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