After other claims of extraterrestrial life turning up in Siberia, the latest is from a Russian woman who says she kept a frozen alien corpse in her fridge.
The mysterious 'lifeform' was reportedly kept by Marta Yegorovnam in her fridge in the western Russian city of Petrozavodsk for two years, while she took five pictures to prove its existence.
The 'body', the third alien sighting in Russian in recent months, was reportedly retrieved by Miss Yegorovnam from a UFO crash site near her summer house in 2009.

The 'creature' is two feet long, has an enormous head, large bulbous eyes and an appearance somewhere between a fish and a humanoid.
It also appears to have what looks like a string-like arm protruding from its body.
Students Timur Hilall, 18, and Kirill Vlasov, 19, admitted their 'find' was just a stunt and the alien was made from bread
Proof at last? This screen grab shows an
apparent UFO on the ground in Siberia earlier this year with what
appears to be an unearthly being to its right and four other beings
directly in front of the glowing craft
Naturally, Miss Yegorovnam did what most would in the same situation and stored the alien in her fridge for two years, according to Unexplained Mysteries.
website reported that two men turned up at her home a few days ago and
confiscated the corpse for investigative purposes, claiming to be from
the Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The footage was unearthed by noted paranormal writer and expert Michael Cohen.
Cohen, 40, said: 'This could be an elaborate hoax, however the
possibility that this might be a genuine alien should not be discounted.
'Russia is a hotbed of UFO activity and possible alien craft has been tracked by both military and civilian agencies.
'In all likelihood most alien beings would look strange to us, much like this specimen.'
This latest claim from Russia comes after footage filmed in August in the remote Irkutsk region of
Siberia appeared to show a strange glowing craft and five aliens walking
about in the snow.
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