Absent from the Booth since bringing us mixtape leak The Greatest Feeling back in July, J.Y. returns to our pages with the second entry in his newly-launched online series, F#ck Work Mondays. This new track includes the lady-seductive vocals from up-and-coming R&B artist, Michael Francis.

This Track Dope
What’s The Greatest Feeling? “Accomplishment. When success
is at your grasp. And you go after it.” Or at least that’s what I was
able to grab from the DJBooth.net premiere of Jersey-raised emcee J.Y. on his new release featuring L.A. emcee TiRon. And I agree, it’s a pretty damn good feeling. On Feeling
J.Y. touches on “pursuing happiness with the passion of Chris Gardner.”
(Nice!) While there’s plenty of room to debate, in regards to his
lyricism, the enduring subject matter and pop culture references should
show listeners exactly what J.Y. is capable of. The slow-paced, soulful
and reflective beat on display comes courtesy of JRB, whose credits include work with street veterans like Serius Jones. The Greatest Feeling will be found on J.Y.‘s forthcoming project, The Slave Shift: Falling UP, which will be available for free download and streaming on September 20.
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